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Tara goddess of compassion and mercy.


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Mari also known as Ma Nirdosh Santosh.

Mari Yogini.jpg (6512 bytes) Ma Nirdosh Santosh 1950-1996. She spent her life searching for God in many forms. Ten days before her mahasamadi (a yogini's final exit from her body), she was visited by His Eminence Chagdud Tulka Rinpoche, Jigme Tulka Rinpoche and Rigzen Tromgay. His Eminence said, that she was an emanation of Green Tara. The former Chief of Protocol for the Dali Lama spoke at her ceremony. Portions of her ashes were formed into twenty-one Tsatsa Green Tara's and placed in temples in Bhutan, India and Tibet by His Eminence Chagdud Tulka Rinpoche. A women of compassion and mercy - just months before her passing she went to nursing homes and sat with the dying, seeing the goddess in each one of them, she helped remove their fears.  Mari gave instructions that a portion of her ash should be placed into Tsatsa art of Green Tara and distributed to those who seek Love, Peace, Wisdom, and Joy.
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Ma said, "When you think that all has forsaken you, Tara will come. The Divine Mother is Tara and Mary and Rada - all love that emanates as the love of the mother is Divine. Love is the highest thing that we can experience on this planet."