Tara, the Goddess of
Compassion and Mercy. The worship of the Mother Tara originated in India around 900 AD and moved into Tibet around 1100 AD. She is the Merciful mother of all beings, emerging within all experience. She empowers our eyes to see her beauty and opens our hearts that we may experience compassion. Tara is the Mother Goddess, she is the Mother of all Buddha's. Her nature is inexhaustible and extends to the source of all being. It is said that there are twenty-one aspects of Tara, below are five: Green Tara - Bestower of Blessings, Giver of Prosperity. White Tara - Compassionate, Healer of diseases, Full Moon Red Tara - Swift, Heroic, turning back the power of others. Black Tara - Cleanser, Fierce, Kali, Transformer, and Protector. Golden Tara - Perfector of Wisdom and Joyous Effort.
For more detail information on Tara we recommend the following books, "In Praise of Tara" by Martin Willson, Wisdom Publications. "Tara and the Black Madonna", by China Galland, Riverhead Books.
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