medipoint@srig.netWrite to us at:
MediPoint Systems, LLC
1998 Neotomas Avenue
Santa Rosa, California 95405Call us at:
Phone: (707) 546-7262
Fax: (707) 546-9548
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Clinical Test Sites
MediPoint was tested for two years at seven clinical test sites in Hawaii, Oregon, California, and Arizona. Our Clinical Beta Test Sites for Phase I testing are Dr. Thomas Abshire, Dr. Jack Burke, Dr. Gary Dreger, Dr. Norman Easley, Dr. David Greenspan, Dr. Dennis Rhatigan and Dr. David Young.
Norman Easley, N.D., D.C., L.Ac. is the co-developer of the MediPoint System and is Chief Medical Officer for MediPoint Systems, LLC. He has over 25 years of clinical experience. Dr. Easley has spent 12 years in clinical research developing biologics for naturopathic medicine and the last 6 years designing and developing the MediPoint Knowledge Base Content, Medical Structures and Test Kit for MediPoint. He received his doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, Oregon, and His Doctorate of Chiropractic from Western States Chiropractic College, Portland, Oregon, and his Certification in Chinese Medicine from the North American College of Acupuncture in Salem, Oregon. He also received an Advanced Degree in Homeopathic Medicine from the Athenian School of Homeopathic Medicine in Athens, Greece.
Thomas Sawyer is the co-developer of the MediPoint System and is Chief Executive Officer for MediPoint Systems, LLC. He has over 27 years in the software industry. He spent 10 years with the Bell System working with Bell Telephone Labs and was a consultant to Intel Corporation for 11 years. He was on the design team for Drake-Willock in the development of the Process Controlled Kidney Dialysis Machine and served as consulting engineer in the designs of the Heart Pacemaker and Cardiac Resuscitator. He has spent the last 6 years designing and developing the MediPoint System Software Program, Inference Architectures, and Knowledge Base Management Tools for MediPoint.