The system
contains over 25,000 screens, including:
- Easy online procedures are provided to verify the accuracy of the findings and the
effectiveness of a chosen treatment.
- Online system help gives information on running MediPoint and all of its
- Nutriceutical help is easily accessible for rapid identification of chosen
treatments according to the manufacturers own listing, how the products are made
available, the ingredients, and the optimum recommendations. Over 4700 medications from
the leading Nutriceutical companies are referenced for easy treatment screen access.
- Screen by screen instruction gives the physician information about the steps
required between physician, test kit, and patient during the evaluation process. These
instructions can be expanded for easy viewing.
- With a touch screen interface the physician can easily and rapidly access the system
using one hand, allowing more focused attention on the patient. The anatomical graphic
screens guide the physician through the evaluation process.
- A complete history of the visit in progress can be instantly accessed on screen
anytime during the evaluation for recalling the different levels isolated and the
treatments identified.
Evaluations can run in four
- Body Reflex Compensation Analysis – This allows the physician to check the
organ, endocrine system, and their compensations to evaluate root causes and body system
stresses. It includes a patient profile, symptom analysis, suggested
treatment, and dietary reporting. This mode also checks for Toxicity,
Dehydration, Electrolyte Deficiency, and Anemic Conditions, as well as preemptive
conditions (Active Allergy, Active Infection, Auto Immunity, Chronic Infection, Dietary
Excess, Deficient Regeneration, Geopathic Stress, Inflammation, Main Organ Disorder, Organ
Stress, Spinal Subluxation, Stress Management, and Tooth Disorder). This mode uses Chinese
Five-Element Theory, Law of Compensation, Physiology, Endocrinology, and Homeopathy to
inference conditional pathways.
- Peripheral Body Function Evaluation – This allows the physician to check for
peripheral conditions and non-compensating organic conditions. This mode allows treatment
for the symptoms of a condition, while the Compensation Analysis allows treatment of the
root causes.
- Ampular Evaluation – This mode allow the physician to isolate certain
conditions, such as benign tumors, that do not have anatomical evaluation reflex points.
- Toxin Layer Evaluation – This allows the physician to evaluate the various
layers of toxins stored in the body. This mode suggests treatments for removing the
More special features:
- Patient Testability Analysis – This checks the patient for external
compensations that would keep them from being properly evaluated. External compensations
are coffee, tobacco, alcohol, etc. PTA checks for specific compensators that would
otherwise render the patient untestable and provides methods for counter compensation,
allowing the patient to be evaluated in the presence of such external compensators.
- Pretest for Critical Deficiencies – This checks for conditions, such as
electrolyte deficiencies and anemia, that need to be stabilized before endocrine/organ
compensations can be properly organized.
- Tolerance Testing – This uses eight different methods to assure that the
patient will be able to tolerate the treatment without aggravation.
- Over-ride – This allows the physician to customize the system for his/her own
unique treatment protocols. The system then remembers those protocols and makes them
available for specific conditions during future evaluations.
- Show Current Conclusion – This allows the physician to query and display the
current conclusions inferenced by the system for their review.
- Preview Evaluation Pathways and Conclusion History – This allows the physician
to see a summary of the pathways that the system has inferenced to the current point in
the evaluation session.
- Physician Notes – This allows the physician to access detailed information
about inferenced conclusions (Condition & Treatment) at specific points throughout the
- Automatic Link Audit and Error Detection – This detects any errors that may
occur during inference processing. It aborts the session, clears the inference engine, and
reestablishes a new session.
- Statistical Clinic Performance Tools – These statistical tools allow the
physician to determine the most seen clinical conditions and the most prescribed
- Online Calculator and Calendar – These allow the physician to make necessary
calculations and gives access to a 100-year calendar.
- Patient’s Summary Report –This 4-12 page report provides a layperson’s explanation of all
findings, treatments, and dietary recommendations. This report answers the majority of all
patient questions, greatly reducing subsequent phone calls and additional explanations.
The report is fascinating to read and is easily understood by others, who are then able to
see the advantage in the MediPoint process. Often, while reading a report, a friend or
family member will resonate with a condition and a new patient is born.
- Patient’s Treatment Schedule – This one page report lists all the products recommended, the
correct dosage for each product, when the medications are best taken, and whether or not
they should be refilled.
- Physician’s Report – This comprehensive report reduces handwritten note taking and facilitates more
complete records by providing an automatic case record for each visit. The
Physician’s Report includes the isolated treatment, all determinations and their
respective sequence of isolation, the physician’s treatment overrides, and all
details regarding virus, bacteria, or toxins.

- Timing for Inference Message Display – This allows the physician to set the
time for how long the inference messages will be displayed. Inference messages are
information about how the system is processing an evaluation.
- Show Conclusion – This allows the physician to show all system conclusions
during the session process and/or save all conclusions for report generation at the end of
the session.
- Physician’s Information – This allows the physician to modify the report
headers for a particular practice, ie. physician’s name, address, phone, etc.
The Ampule Test Kit is
a vital part of the MediPoint System.
The test kit contains 854 ampules in 20 different sections, representing
all the body components, hormones, organ conditions, vitamins, minerals, amino acids,
homeopathics, an allergy testing kit, toxins, specific conditions, general treatments, and
specific treatments. The test kit ampules are all color-coded to the MediPoint screens for
easy identification and accessibility.